The Danger in Covetousness

How gratitude is the key to overcoming this sin.

Because God is rich in mercy and has an abundant supply of blessings to disburse, we all experience His blessings in various ways. He delights in your appreciation for the blessings He graciously bestows upon you.

But, human nature can cause you to develop a heart of ingratitude. The discontentment shifts your focus from your own resources to that of others.

It starts when you lose sight of what you already have and begin to focus on what you don't have.

For this reason, you musn't desire what others have. A careful analysis of your resources may reveal that you already own a sufficient supply of "stuff." However, when greed surfaces, craving and spending more becomes a primary focus.

Additionally, when you mindlessly overspend to "keep up with the Joneses", it leads to a pile of unpaid debt and unnecessary frustration.

This is indicative of a heart that has fallen into the sin of covetousness ,which is defined as,

"To want to have something very much, especially something that belongs to someone else."


So, what's the problem with covetousness?

When you covet, you draw comparisons between yourself and others. The possessions of others becomes a focus and a goal. Instead of appreciating and counting your own blessings, you're busy counting the blessings of others.

"Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have." Hebrews 13:5

There's a danger in having a covetous heart. It distorts your perception. You may feel that the prosperity of others is unfair and that God is showing favoritism.

Then, a root of bitterness toward God and others creeps into your heart. And if this heart issue festers, and goes unchecked then it really becomes a problem.

If repentance is refused, then this opens the door for you to commit all types of evil deeds like envy, corruption and even murder.

So, it's wise to resist the temptation to covet what others have. This can only be achieved by asking God for help to overcome this area of weakness.

Also, be happy for the blessings of because covetousness can a blessing blocker. Seek wise counsel and always maintain an attitude of gratitude.


Prayer: Dear Father God, help us to guard our hearts against ingratitude, and teach us to appreciate the abundance of undeserved blessings we receive from you each day.